Sunday, February 20, 2005
Emailnews Issue 02/2005
Your attention please
Indian economy at great heights
India is participating at G-7 summit at London with the invitation of G-7 nations (US, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Britain and Japan) and its participation along with China, Brazil Russia and south Africa will considered as a mile stone in the economic history of India.
India’s economy is already larger than Australia, Brazil, Sweden and Russia, has grown at an average of 6% since reforms began in 1991 and is expected to expand to 6.5 to 7.5 per cent in the current financial year ending on March 2005.
The invitation for G-7 is perceived as India having a say in the management of the world, be it political, economic and strategic or security issues.
Indian finance minister represent India to attend the meeting at London on Thursday Feb 05. As part of his visit at London he formally inaugurated the newly built London Stock Exchange on Friday at Paternoster Square, which itself shows the importance that India gained in the recent years.
Fiscal deficit a worry
Three weeks ahead of the Indian budget, ADB (Asian Development Bank) expressed concern over high fiscal deficit, further it said it was acting as a road block to Indian economic growth. ADB how ever stuck to its earlier growth projection of 6.5% for
2004-05 despite the adverse impact of tsunami and also on the record of a high 8.5% of last fiscal.
Global rating agency Standard & Poor (S&P) stressed more need to be done to curtail both the deficit and massive public debt.
Aero India 2005
Aero India 2005 the fifth biennial event was inaugurated by defense minister on 9th Feb,05 at Yelahanka IAF air base . The air show , International Technical exhibition and International seminar are part of the event. The number of participating countries including USA, China ,Israel went up to 31 and the number of participating companies to 362 including 226 foreign and 136 Indian companies. The Aero India 2005 is considered as one of the Asia’s largest air show with the largest ever presence by US companies. For the First time for Aero India mid air refuelling of two Mirage 2000s by IL-78 fuel tanker and air show display of LCA is a thing to be reckoned.
The worth mentioning companies that participated are:
Sukhoi Design Bureau of Russia
Snecma aero engine major of France
Lockheed Martin of USA
Dassualt of Russia
BAe Systems, the manufacturers of Hawk UK
Air Chief calls for aviation policy
Chief of air staff ,Air Chief Marchal A. P. Tyagi
called for setting up of an aero space commission and formulation of national aviation policy to streamline research efforts and ensure optimal usage of scare resources. A national aviation policy will enable us to ensure that resources are procured , integrated and operated under one central head. Infrastructure expenditure and wasteful efforts can be curbed, leading to more cost effective solutions that directly support our effort in progressing aerospace activities, further he highlighted that imported systems are no longer state of the art when operationalised. We need to continue to indigenize for self sufficiency.
Looking for joint venture in defence
At the inauguration of an International seminar for Aero India the defence minister Pranab Mukherjee stressed that India is looking for joint ventures in defence system development and manufacturing . He referred to the BrahMos missile developed under joint venture with Russia as an example of what can be achieved by joining minds and efforts. He further emphasized that testing of the LCA Tejas, ALH Dhruv and Intermediate Jet Trainer has showed that India is among a hand full of countries with the capability to develop, test and manufacture aircrafts.
Insists on transfer of technology
IAF whose cutting edge is Sukhois, Mirages, Jaguars and MiGs besides the induction of LCA in the coming years. India’s decision to procure 126 new jets in the 20 tone class for which it has sought:
Request for information: from four foreign companies vise
F-16 maker Lockheed Martin
SAAB Grippen the Swedish company
MiG-29M2 of Mig RAC
Mirage 2000-5 of Dassault France
After short listing the required fighter aircraft Request for proposal is sent; after receiving the proposals; Technical evaluation is done finally Commercial orders will be placed for the required fighter aircraft. India will insists on transfer of technology along with the acquisition of fighter aircrafts
Moving Music School
If you are interested in singing and music and in need of a teacher you are surely going to be blessed by a moving music teacher . The teacher is Manchale Narahari Dikshit.
He is an inspiration to the budding talents who are not having any music Gurus .Sri Dikshit and his wife Smt Parvathi started the moving Music classes to the needy music aspirants since 1996.
The motto of the music teacher is: hadu kalieri and kalithu hadire (sing learning and learn by singing) . His Srujana sangeetha saale (Creative Music School) without infrastructure like building and place ; is spreading music at the request of aspirants at their home without any financial help. Every week and in different localities of the city they conduct music classes. So far they created 19 groups with more than 200 music aspirants. The students ranging from kids to old.
The teacher has made novel programs to the students to learn the music in different songs like , bhavageete, janapadageete, devotional songs , stage songs, vachanas, national songs etc. he ha also created stage for the budding singers.
The Moving Music School is moving to the 10th year for its successive celebration by performing unique music programs. For further information please contact; Phone: 26647103
(Vijaya Karnataka 1 Jan 2005)
Do you want to listen to violin?
In India violin is an accomplishment to vocals where as in west violin is handled technically perfect. Late Professor Lakshminarayana’s idea was that the violin need not be an accomplishment to vocal but be able to make people listen to the violin and make it main stream, that is why he made a solo violin concert and did it successfully .He was singularly responsible for making violin popular solo performance in India. His son a violin maestro L. Subramaniam for the past 14 years organizing the annual Lakshminarayana Global Music Festival featuring musicians across the globe as a tribute to his father.
This year Global Lakshminarayana festival was held at Ambedkarbhavan last week.
It was something unique for a music lovers because it included variety of musicians.
When asked about the fusion in music he expressed that the term fusion has been generalized; they play Jugalbandi with Ustad Bismilla Khan and call it fusion. Music has seven notes; the ornamentation is different that is all. It is in the colouring that we call it Jazz, Carnatic, Hidustani and Western. In fusion you understand the other person is playing and blend your style accordingly.
Next year please watch to listen L. Subramaniam’s violin recital and also the performance of his son. Don’t miss.
Contributed By K. N. Lakshmikanth.
“No power on earth can stop an idea whose time has come”
Victor Hugo
Prime minister Dr Manmohan Singh quote Victor Hugo words
While inaugurating Infosys’ new Global Education Centre and
the first phase of Software Development Facility at Mysore on
Saturday the 12th February05.
The words of Hugo are more important as the PrimeMinister
recollected the same words of Hugo he quoted when he presented
his budget in july1991.
The Prime Minister told the Infoscians “ The emergence of India
as a global economic power is an idea whose time has come.
The future is here to day. No words can describe the feeling of
elation and pride in being with you in this wonderful campus of
yours”, further he praised IT industry by saying “ India occupies
so much of mind space in the investment community. I salute the
IT industry for leading the way. We must also become a large
base for R&D activity. All legal and physical frame works should
be set right to encourage this.”
The Infosis centre at Mysore is located in a 270 acre campus
and can accommodate 4500 trainees at any given time ,
Infosis has allotted Rs.520 crore of which Rs.285 crore has been

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Indian economy at great heights
India is participating at G-7 summit at London with the invitation of G-7 nations (US, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Britain and Japan) and its participation along with China, Brazil Russia and south Africa will considered as a mile stone in the economic history of India.
India’s economy is already larger than Australia, Brazil, Sweden and Russia, has grown at an average of 6% since reforms began in 1991 and is expected to expand to 6.5 to 7.5 per cent in the current financial year ending on March 2005.
The invitation for G-7 is perceived as India having a say in the management of the world, be it political, economic and strategic or security issues.
Indian finance minister represent India to attend the meeting at London on Thursday Feb 05. As part of his visit at London he formally inaugurated the newly built London Stock Exchange on Friday at Paternoster Square, which itself shows the importance that India gained in the recent years.
Fiscal deficit a worry
Three weeks ahead of the Indian budget, ADB (Asian Development Bank) expressed concern over high fiscal deficit, further it said it was acting as a road block to Indian economic growth. ADB how ever stuck to its earlier growth projection of 6.5% for
2004-05 despite the adverse impact of tsunami and also on the record of a high 8.5% of last fiscal.
Global rating agency Standard & Poor (S&P) stressed more need to be done to curtail both the deficit and massive public debt.
Aero India 2005
Aero India 2005 the fifth biennial event was inaugurated by defense minister on 9th Feb,05 at Yelahanka IAF air base . The air show , International Technical exhibition and International seminar are part of the event. The number of participating countries including USA, China ,Israel went up to 31 and the number of participating companies to 362 including 226 foreign and 136 Indian companies. The Aero India 2005 is considered as one of the Asia’s largest air show with the largest ever presence by US companies. For the First time for Aero India mid air refuelling of two Mirage 2000s by IL-78 fuel tanker and air show display of LCA is a thing to be reckoned.
The worth mentioning companies that participated are:
Sukhoi Design Bureau of Russia
Snecma aero engine major of France
Lockheed Martin of USA
Dassualt of Russia
BAe Systems, the manufacturers of Hawk UK
Air Chief calls for aviation policy
Chief of air staff ,Air Chief Marchal A. P. Tyagi
called for setting up of an aero space commission and formulation of national aviation policy to streamline research efforts and ensure optimal usage of scare resources. A national aviation policy will enable us to ensure that resources are procured , integrated and operated under one central head. Infrastructure expenditure and wasteful efforts can be curbed, leading to more cost effective solutions that directly support our effort in progressing aerospace activities, further he highlighted that imported systems are no longer state of the art when operationalised. We need to continue to indigenize for self sufficiency.
Looking for joint venture in defence
At the inauguration of an International seminar for Aero India the defence minister Pranab Mukherjee stressed that India is looking for joint ventures in defence system development and manufacturing . He referred to the BrahMos missile developed under joint venture with Russia as an example of what can be achieved by joining minds and efforts. He further emphasized that testing of the LCA Tejas, ALH Dhruv and Intermediate Jet Trainer has showed that India is among a hand full of countries with the capability to develop, test and manufacture aircrafts.
Insists on transfer of technology
IAF whose cutting edge is Sukhois, Mirages, Jaguars and MiGs besides the induction of LCA in the coming years. India’s decision to procure 126 new jets in the 20 tone class for which it has sought:
Request for information: from four foreign companies vise
F-16 maker Lockheed Martin
SAAB Grippen the Swedish company
MiG-29M2 of Mig RAC
Mirage 2000-5 of Dassault France
After short listing the required fighter aircraft Request for proposal is sent; after receiving the proposals; Technical evaluation is done finally Commercial orders will be placed for the required fighter aircraft. India will insists on transfer of technology along with the acquisition of fighter aircrafts
Moving Music School
If you are interested in singing and music and in need of a teacher you are surely going to be blessed by a moving music teacher . The teacher is Manchale Narahari Dikshit.
He is an inspiration to the budding talents who are not having any music Gurus .Sri Dikshit and his wife Smt Parvathi started the moving Music classes to the needy music aspirants since 1996.
The motto of the music teacher is: hadu kalieri and kalithu hadire (sing learning and learn by singing) . His Srujana sangeetha saale (Creative Music School) without infrastructure like building and place ; is spreading music at the request of aspirants at their home without any financial help. Every week and in different localities of the city they conduct music classes. So far they created 19 groups with more than 200 music aspirants. The students ranging from kids to old.
The teacher has made novel programs to the students to learn the music in different songs like , bhavageete, janapadageete, devotional songs , stage songs, vachanas, national songs etc. he ha also created stage for the budding singers.
The Moving Music School is moving to the 10th year for its successive celebration by performing unique music programs. For further information please contact; Phone: 26647103
(Vijaya Karnataka 1 Jan 2005)
Do you want to listen to violin?
In India violin is an accomplishment to vocals where as in west violin is handled technically perfect. Late Professor Lakshminarayana’s idea was that the violin need not be an accomplishment to vocal but be able to make people listen to the violin and make it main stream, that is why he made a solo violin concert and did it successfully .He was singularly responsible for making violin popular solo performance in India. His son a violin maestro L. Subramaniam for the past 14 years organizing the annual Lakshminarayana Global Music Festival featuring musicians across the globe as a tribute to his father.
This year Global Lakshminarayana festival was held at Ambedkarbhavan last week.
It was something unique for a music lovers because it included variety of musicians.
When asked about the fusion in music he expressed that the term fusion has been generalized; they play Jugalbandi with Ustad Bismilla Khan and call it fusion. Music has seven notes; the ornamentation is different that is all. It is in the colouring that we call it Jazz, Carnatic, Hidustani and Western. In fusion you understand the other person is playing and blend your style accordingly.
Next year please watch to listen L. Subramaniam’s violin recital and also the performance of his son. Don’t miss.
Contributed By K. N. Lakshmikanth.
“No power on earth can stop an idea whose time has come”
Victor Hugo
Prime minister Dr Manmohan Singh quote Victor Hugo words
While inaugurating Infosys’ new Global Education Centre and
the first phase of Software Development Facility at Mysore on
Saturday the 12th February05.
The words of Hugo are more important as the PrimeMinister
recollected the same words of Hugo he quoted when he presented
his budget in july1991.
The Prime Minister told the Infoscians “ The emergence of India
as a global economic power is an idea whose time has come.
The future is here to day. No words can describe the feeling of
elation and pride in being with you in this wonderful campus of
yours”, further he praised IT industry by saying “ India occupies
so much of mind space in the investment community. I salute the
IT industry for leading the way. We must also become a large
base for R&D activity. All legal and physical frame works should
be set right to encourage this.”
The Infosis centre at Mysore is located in a 270 acre campus
and can accommodate 4500 trainees at any given time ,
Infosis has allotted Rs.520 crore of which Rs.285 crore has been
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